2004 Subaru Legacy Headlights



Hi there

Has anyone else noticed that the dip (low beam) headlights on a 2004 (new shape) legacy don't seem to have a very big range?

If I travel on a road with no street lights then it is nearly impossible to see more than about 2 metres in front of the car.

Wondering if anyone else has noticed this and what they did to overcome it - i.e. if changed the bulbs, what type?


The light on my 04 outback are fine. The sylvania silverstar bulbs
helped a lot though
Hi there

Has anyone else noticed that the dip (low beam) headlights on a 2004 (new shape) legacy don't seem to have a very big range?

My '01 OBW had terrible headlights. I ended up aiming them very slightly
up, about 1/2 way between the stock setting and the high beam.

That was one of my only complaints on an otherwise fine car.
Has anyone else noticed that the dip (low beam) headlights on a 2004
(new shape) legacy don't seem to have a very big range?

If I travel on a road with no street lights then it is nearly impossible
to see more than about 2 metres in front of the car.

can't complain about the lights on the legacy! compared to my previous vw
golf4 it is really night & day...
I aimed the fog lights up slightly so they light almost the same range in
front as the low beams, so I sort of use the fog lights as my low beams a
lot. Also lights the side of the road a bit, which helps to spot deer.

Hi there

Has anyone else noticed that the dip (low beam) headlights on a 2004 (new
shape) legacy don't seem to have a very big range?
If I travel on a road with no street lights then it is nearly impossible
to see more than about 2 metres in front of the car.
Wondering if anyone else has noticed this and what they did to overcome
it - i.e. if changed the bulbs, what type?
mgallen said:
Has anyone else noticed that the dip (low beam) headlights on a 2004 (new
shape) legacy don't seem to have a very big range?
If I travel on a road with no street lights then it is nearly impossible
to see more than about 2 metres in front of the car.
Wondering if anyone else has noticed this and what they did to overcome it
- i.e. if changed the bulbs, what type?


Dealers (&many other places) in Aus have carried various plus power globes
of the same wattage for some years now. That makes a fair but of difference
with the previous model, but IMO the reflector design is still crap,
especially on low beam. Philips plus range work well for me and no
problems with globe life to date. Plan B is fit a relay and put 130/110
globes in (like I did on my bike) definitely brighter but probably illegal
in most places.

Then again, the 7" round concave lens Cibie headlights in my 66 Renault 10
(60/55W QI globes) out performed the headlights in *any* car I've driven
since that didn't have auxiliary lighting. So much for progress! Cheers

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