Any older car with that few miles will likely have been driven in such a
way as to have moisture collect in almost every fluid. Flushing the
brake system, tranny(especially automatic) maybe change the diff oil,
power steering fluid, might be good insurance. make sure the cooling
system and its parts (radiator cap, thermostat) are working and, if you
drain it, make SURE you burp all the air outta the system. A Sea Foam or
other treatment to clear out carbon from the cylinders might be a good
idea, do it BEFORE a spark plug and oil change. I THINK it should have
had a timing belt change at 60K, if so, it will be due for another one
soon. If the schedule is 105K, it's overdue. While you're in there,
re-sealing the oil pump, changing the waterpump, tensioner/idler bearing
is a good idea. Basically, treat it like any other car driven under
severe conditions (very low mileage is considered severe due to the
likelihood that short trips do not allow the engine to properly warm
up). Soobs are likely to display the same problems as other cars with
the additional complexity of the AWD system. You might fish around at for a VIN 'decoder' and, sign up over at ,
those guys are geniuses at keeping older soobs running.