Vote for ugliest new car

the picture of the Aztec on that website doesn't capture the true ugliness
of that vehicle
Frank Logullo said:
I've been dying to ask a Scion or Element owner if a free pair of shoes
comes with these cars.
Aztec, I agree with vote, is god awful ugly ;(

The Element, for sure. Sometimes a thing is so ugly that it's cute. This is
not one of those times.
I think that the Aztek is without a doubt the ugliest car ever. But I think
that the Element is cute. It is not flashy, but in my humble and honest
opinion, it has a certain "je ne sais quoi."
I don't mean to offend an Baja owners, but if I had my choice between a Baja
and an Element, I would grab the Element in a flash.
I thought I could live with an Element, having owned a coupla Hondas.
Though my wife didn't care for the look of it we test drove one anyway.
Horrible pitching movement bordering on nauseating! The wheel base was
just too short or the CG to high or something.

But the Odyssey - man that thing is a great driving Honda. It was just
too $$$ at the time.


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