Unusual breakin



Thought I'd post this in case it's a larger Subaru problem, although I
hope it's not. My 2000 Forrester was entered and searched by a thief
last night while it was parked in the driveway. They took $10, so not a
big deal. I thought I'd locked it but maybe I'd forgotten, since there
was no sign of forced entry. BUT ... today while it was parked at my
wife's workplace and definitely locked, someone else entered and
scattered glove-box documents around. Nothing taken, and no sign of
forced entry, but she had made sure to lock it after last night's
incursion. It seemed odd - six years of no problems, then two
unauthorized entries in 18 hours - so I thought I'd post it here in
case anyone else has seen a similar incident. Maybe someone has a
skeleton key or can override the keyless remote control.
Reminds me of my wifes friend, who used to change the radio stations
when her husband was making a turn to make him believe that the radio
was defective.... women.

Then my wife forgot she had told me the story and tried to play it on
me, lets just say she will never try to do anything like that again...
cloud dreamer said:
Or ex-wife or ex-girlfriend? :)


Absolutely - somebody is targeting you, somebody who knows where you live
and where your wife works and also has what it takes to unlock your
vehicle - key, remote, whatever. The purpose is to harrass you, since the
glove box was purposely disturbed in each case and nothing taken. This is
somebody who has recently been in your inner circle and now has hard

AS said:
Reminds me of my wifes friend, who used to change the radio stations
when her husband was making a turn to make him believe that the radio
was defective.... women.

Defective women. I know what you mean, they flock to California
like flies to manure.
Then my wife forgot she had told me the story and tried to play it on
me, lets just say she will never try to do anything like that again...
She's dead?
Michael Pardee said:
Absolutely - somebody is targeting you, somebody who knows where you live
and where your wife works and also has what it takes to unlock your
vehicle - key, remote, whatever. The purpose is to harrass you, since the
glove box was purposely disturbed in each case and nothing taken. This is
somebody who has recently been in your inner circle and now has hard

D'oh! I didn't pay enough attention - make that is targeting your wife,
since the incidents were at home and where *she* works. The nature of the
harrassment also makes me think of a woman or a kid, since the intent was to
damage the sense of security (hominess) rather than actual destruction, like
ripping upholstery. If it is a man past his early 20s he could be dangerous,
in the stalker sense. But... I could be wrong.

Put some machinist dykim(sp) blue dye somewhere in the car that the
person will touch. The dye will come off when the skin sheds and can't
be washed off. PS don't get it on your hands. In any case set a trap
of some kind that will leave a lasting impression or worse.
AS said:
Reminds me of my wifes friend, who used to change the radio stations when
her husband was making a turn to make him believe that the radio was
defective.... women.

Then my wife forgot she had told me the story and tried to play it on me,
lets just say she will never try to do anything like that again...
LOL - I was riding along with the family a few years ago and realized we
were approaching a tunnel. I launched into this pointless story about the
Caldecott Tunnel in California and how it had a radio retransmitter inside
so radios wouldn't fade out as people went through the tunnel. Then as I
finished the story and we began to enter the tunnel I surreptitiously faded
the volume down. A moment later my daughter exclaimed, "Hey! That's a tape!"
I'm a mean old daddy!

Thought I'd post this in case it's a larger Subaru problem, although I
hope it's not. My 2000 Forrester was entered and searched by a thief
last night while it was parked in the driveway. They took $10, so not a
big deal. I thought I'd locked it but maybe I'd forgotten, since there
was no sign of forced entry. BUT ... today while it was parked at my
wife's workplace and definitely locked, someone else entered and
scattered glove-box documents around. Nothing taken, and no sign of
forced entry, but she had made sure to lock it after last night's
incursion. It seemed odd - six years of no problems, then two
unauthorized entries in 18 hours - so I thought I'd post it here in
case anyone else has seen a similar incident. Maybe someone has a
skeleton key or can override the keyless remote control.

Subarus have frameless windows which make it a snap to open the door
without damaging the car. Just ask any Subaru owner who ever locked
their keys inside the car.
Dmitriy said:
Subarus have frameless windows which make it a snap to open the door
without damaging the car. Just ask any Subaru owner who ever locked
their keys inside the car.
But not easy to do inconspicuously. The first intrusion was in the driveway
at home; not a place for a stranger to be wrestling with the window and
lock. When I was young I lived in a neighborhood where the police would not
stop at night, and my apartment was broken into three times in a two week
period. Every apartment in my building was burglarized over that period. But
nobody's car was ever bothered on the street, because everybody knew that if
they were caught a quick death was too much to hope for.

The second break-in where his wife works clinches it. It's personal.


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