I was able to alternate use of the impact and didn't seem to have a
big problem with 'bending'. Perhaps because i bought a 'fairly
inexpensive' electric wrench and the air-guns are faster/more
Still, due to occasional clearance problems, I did use the open/boxend
wrench some on the compressors. And I used the torque wrench for all
actual assembly - no impact..
Also, I did torque the nuts, top and bottom, on the lower strut. Just
figured clamping force is clamping force. I did not try to turn the
lower bolt around. No problem backing-up with the boxend wrench
either. I felt like a huge walking cramped muscle for a day and half.
But overall, things went OK. Not perfect, but I think well enough to
be safe and practical. Still no reported squeaks or groans. car
actually feels tight. Probably get alignment in the next few months
(toe is not 'centered on the steering wheel - that was pre-existing
and is not severe). No problems though marking and replacing the
camber bolt. I also used the floor jack on the front to put a little
upward pressure on the hub before final torquing. Kinda like the
instructions mentioned for the rear struts. Using some vice grips
helped me keep the top hat oriented on the spring. that helped a lot
on the last strut. Wish i had done it on the first front strut.
again, I added some comments and pictures to this thread;
Thanx for everyone's support.