Subaru battery doesnt last a week

Aug 30, 2024
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I got my 2017 subaru forester 3 years and only within the past year, there has been the problem that the battery keeps dying. My car did qualify for the extended warranty settlement but even after replacing the battery, battery terminal, and updating the computer system my car still dies. The dealership has no clue what the problem is. Any ideas or option for the next steps on what I can do?
someone needs to do a parasitic draw-down test. On Subarus commomn culprits are the radio, or the on-board security system (if you have that option). This is assuming the battery-drain issue they have had for the last few years is not present.

Basically, disconnect the negative battery post, clip and Ammeter between the post the cable. Observe the reading, it will sho some amps as the computer will contoniue to run things like the interior lights. However, after a few minutes the draw should drop down to less than 50 Milli-amps as the computer goers to sleep.
if it doesn't , identify the fuse labaled radio, and pull it using the litle white plastic tool in the fuse box. does the amerage drop? if so, it's a bad radio.
it could also be any cheap aftermarket device like " remote start " that was installed, and if so you will first need to identify the circuit that device as instaleld on, then pull that fuse.

You didn't mention the alternator being checked. Seems like the obvious thing to check, so I'm sure you just forgot to list it.
well, i'm assuming the Stealership did the very basic thing of checking the alternator, but your right, shouldn't assume anything these days.
should be putting out around 14 volts, really not less than 13+ minimum.

You guys watch Mr. Subaru? got a car with parasitic draw, dealership said it was " the tail lights" and dinged the customer for $850. for new tail-light assemblies, then said " we don't know what's wrong with it" . It was the radio :)

Not sure how, radio should have no power going to it during key off? but common problem on subies. One thing to watch out for with any dealership, when you have mysterious electrical problems and they say we don't really know but you need " a new wiring harness" and quote you $2K+
time to find a mechanic who understands basic electrical

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