I'm sure you will get many opinions on this but, the following has worked
for me for Volvos,Saabs and Subaru's which were sold at mileages of greater
than 150,000 miles and running very good. . I frequently check oil and fluid
levels in addition to leak inspections during the run-in period. This is my
plan. I always let the engine idle for one full minute before driving off
and then I drive easy until the temp gage if fully warmed which is about
7-10 minutes depending on the outside temp. I try to drive in a suburban
setting; that being some stop and go with periods of cruising at 40-60 mph.
I use light to medium throttle. After 300-500 miles of this I increase the
shift points from ~ 2500 to 3000 AFTER the engine is warmed up. From 500 to
1000 miles I drive normally but, using more throttle; say up to 3500 rpm. I
continue this general procedure until the first oil/filter change or ~2500
miles and then do as your heart desires. Some where ~ 1000 miles I like to
see the engine red line in all the gears. One other comment; If you drive a
manual DO NOT lug the engine and with any vehicle do not drive for long
periods at one speed i.e. cruse control. Happy driving. eddie