Well, it appears the day has finally come. My 84 GL Wagon is stuck in 4th
gear. I'm not surprised, as the 3rd synchros have been toast for quite a
while. My understanding had been that I'd see a continual decline in being
able to use 3rd, until finally, it would be gone. So I wasn't prepared for
it just failing suddenly the way it did, in 4th. It will coast when I put
the clutch in, but I can't shift any longer, even at a stop.
I'm told by a few mechanics that parts are nearly impossible to come by,
and the repair cost is very high, even if parts were available.
So, I'm kinda looking at options. A few Subie shops here (Denver, CO) have
them for sale, starting at $600. I'm pretty leery of anything that cheap,
because I figure it'd just need money thrown at it.
Does anyone have any experience with buying low-budget cars from Roos
Only, S-Wings, or Summit Auto Repair?
Dunno if for-sale stuff is considered off-topic here (I searched for an
FAQ). But obviously, unless I can come up with a reliable tranny fix for
not a lot of bucks, I need to get rid of the GL. S-Wings will give me
trade-in value for it. I could try to find an experimental aviation type
who wants the engine. Or maybe somebody would want it for parts? I'm going
to call CCR Enginges and see if they're interested.
It has about 134k miles. Actually, in pretty good condition, considering
it's age, other than the trans.
TIA for any advice.
gear. I'm not surprised, as the 3rd synchros have been toast for quite a
while. My understanding had been that I'd see a continual decline in being
able to use 3rd, until finally, it would be gone. So I wasn't prepared for
it just failing suddenly the way it did, in 4th. It will coast when I put
the clutch in, but I can't shift any longer, even at a stop.
I'm told by a few mechanics that parts are nearly impossible to come by,
and the repair cost is very high, even if parts were available.
So, I'm kinda looking at options. A few Subie shops here (Denver, CO) have
them for sale, starting at $600. I'm pretty leery of anything that cheap,
because I figure it'd just need money thrown at it.
Does anyone have any experience with buying low-budget cars from Roos
Only, S-Wings, or Summit Auto Repair?
Dunno if for-sale stuff is considered off-topic here (I searched for an
FAQ). But obviously, unless I can come up with a reliable tranny fix for
not a lot of bucks, I need to get rid of the GL. S-Wings will give me
trade-in value for it. I could try to find an experimental aviation type
who wants the engine. Or maybe somebody would want it for parts? I'm going
to call CCR Enginges and see if they're interested.
It has about 134k miles. Actually, in pretty good condition, considering
it's age, other than the trans.
TIA for any advice.