passenger mirror



help! I broke the passenger side mirror off my 98 legacy wagon. I
found a new one but don't know how. what do I have to do to swap them

help! I broke the passenger side mirror off my 98 legacy wagon. I
found a new one but don't know how. what do I have to do to swap them

The Haynes manual covers that in some detail. You don't want to just
pry it off..... unless it's a manual mirror. There are wires you need
to connect inside the door.

It's been a year since I replaced mine, but basically you need to remove
the plastic triangular piece of plastic in the inside of the mirrror,
remove the inner liner to the door, undo three bolts that hold the
mirror in place, disconnect the wire(s) that go to the mirror (one set
for motor control, one set for heat), and then reverse the process to
install the new mirror.

Nothing hard, be patient and gentle or you'll break something.

And the book - which has good pictures - is less than $20 (if memory

in message
Just pry on it and it'll pop off.

The cover uses 3 studs with flared tips that push through holes in a
rubber seal. After many years, these studs become brittle and will
probably break off unless you very slowly pry off the cover but even
then they may break off. If they do break off, the studs are hollow
and you may be able to use a small screw through the cover plate to
hold the studs onto the plate, then paint black the top of the screws.
That's if the stud breaks off at the plate. If that won't work or you
don't like that hack job, go to a salvage yard that carries Subies and
pull one off there. No matter how careful I am, I break off a stud or
two about 50% of the time, more so the older the car.

Ask the admin running the forum-to-Usenet gateway at to disable their spam signature. It is not
appreciated in Usenet. They want to lie about the size of their forum
community by hijacking their way into Usenet using a gateway. That's
okay but not when they spam Usenet by advertising their forum. It
adds nothing regarding tracking of their forum post (gatewayed to
Usenet) and should be using a header for that, anyway (which it
appears they do). They are spamifying your posts. Apparently they
can't even figure out how to properly add an attribution line to quote
to whom you are replying. Or you could use a real newsreader and
connect to an NNTP server to post to Usenet.

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