
I think my oil pan is leaking at the drain plug. I've replaced the
plug, but no luck, no matter how tight I get it, the oil leaks, at a
good clip. Has anyone had this problem? Is the only choice replacing
the pan? And is that a pretty easy job, is it just unbolting the pan
and bolting a new one in with fresh seal?

stevemc said:
I think my oil pan is leaking at the drain plug. I've replaced the
plug, but no luck, no matter how tight I get it, the oil leaks, at a
good clip. Has anyone had this problem? Is the only choice replacing
the pan? And is that a pretty easy job, is it just unbolting the pan
and bolting a new one in with fresh seal?


Is this a newer car? Sometimes the original factory washer doesn't get
removed from the plug due to black paint holding it on and the new
washer gets 'stacked' on such that leaking occurs.

stevemc said:
I think my oil pan is leaking at the drain plug. I've replaced the
plug, but no luck, no matter how tight I get it, the oil leaks, at a
good clip. Has anyone had this problem? Is the only choice replacing
the pan? And is that a pretty easy job, is it just unbolting the pan
and bolting a new one in with fresh seal?

One way or another the fix is probably pretty easy. Just make sure the leak
isn't coming from somewhere else and running across the drain plug. You can
clean the engine really well and then spray the area with foot powder. Any
leak with show up quickly as the powder begins to absorb the oil.
Carl said:
Is this a newer car? Sometimes the original factory washer doesn't get
removed from the plug due to black paint holding it on and the new
washer gets 'stacked' on such that leaking occurs.


After doing this, see if you can get some copper drain plug washers
(they're sometimes scarce if your Subie's got the 20mm plug, but keep
looking!) I've found they sometimes seal better than the factory crush
washers (which SHOULD be replaced at each oil change for best results.)


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