I have a '97 Legacy Wagon and live near Chicago. In winter if temps
are below about 10-15 degrees and it is sunny, when I park my car in
the sun, the windows (inside) away from the sun ice up. I always have
to remember to park facing the sun to avoid having to scrape before
driving off.. My assumption is that the car is warming up from the
sun and evaporating some of the moisture from the carpets and then
because the windows are so cold, it freezes. Sometimes if it is a
little warmer, it will just fog up but not freeze. No fix I suppose,
but just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I never have
before this car.
are below about 10-15 degrees and it is sunny, when I park my car in
the sun, the windows (inside) away from the sun ice up. I always have
to remember to park facing the sun to avoid having to scrape before
driving off.. My assumption is that the car is warming up from the
sun and evaporating some of the moisture from the carpets and then
because the windows are so cold, it freezes. Sometimes if it is a
little warmer, it will just fog up but not freeze. No fix I suppose,
but just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I never have
before this car.