New guy looking for help

Mar 16, 2025
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Hi. Acquired a 2008 Tribeca with 6 cylinder with an engine issue, 180k. Noise comes and goes at idle, constant when reved up. Figured I'd ask the Subaru experts before I tore into it. No mis, CEL. Changed oil for the heck of it, not knowing history. Thanks.
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Was going to scrap, figured i might just save her.
That's reasonable. Insurance companies total cars at the drop of a hat these days. They don't wanna fix or repair anything and the people who can are becoming as rare as dianasaurs, all while cars are becoming increasingly un repairable due largely to gubberment fuel economy mandates making sheet metal thinner and thinner every year. Cars made in the 50s and 60s are like battle tanks in comparison and largely repairable too.
Could it be the fan or something fan belt driven?.
Try isolating the noise by using a stick or something as a stethoscope and probing around the engine.
Do not mess around or delay or mess around having a timing chain properly serviced.
Timing chains are typically used in interference engines where timing is crucial because different parts occupy the same space at different times. Timing failure is almost always catastrophic.
Timng belts are typically used in non interference engines where failure simply results in a non running but not broken engine.
Do not mess around or delay or mess around having a timing chain properly serviced.
Timing chains are typically used in interference engines where timing is crucial because different parts occupy the same space at different times. Timing failure is almost always catastrophic.
Timng belts are typically used in non interference engines where failure simply results in a non running but not broken engine.
Many engines are just the opposite. I do not have Subaru engine experience so not sure if they are intf. engines. Car is not on the road, gonna tinker with it and if I fix, great, if not I'll profit anyways.

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