P said:
What is this? Is the honeymoon over, or did I just overlook the obvious?
I need a hug.
Best I can say is most people have a good experience with most cars.
But... no car is perfect, either as a make/model or individual specimen
of same. And, human nature being what it is, people complain far more
frequently than they praise. IME NGs tend to attract those who have (or
might have?) a problem and are looking for an answer rather than "my ___
has been absolutely wonderful for the last 100k miles!" types. And some
of the "problem" posters really just want to vent rather than find a
solution, too.
Look at the number of posters mentioning problems here, remembering
we're talking a worldwide audience, then look at the number of Subies
sold each year... I think you'll find overall the marque is pretty good.
Then, when reading individual posts, try to "qualify" the poster as
being knowledgeable, not so, hypersensitive to problems, etc. What
nearly drives one person to the loony bin never even hits another's
radar screen! (For example, Matt--Hallraker--takes his need for a new
alternator in stride due to the jumpstarts, while I have a friend who'd
be looking for a new car if her alternator ever went out, regardless of
To illustrate personally, my Subie's currently got some serious oil
leakage and semi-serious head gasket leakage problems. It's eating
(leaking?) a lot of oil and needs to be torn down for some tender loving
care. Engine may even need to be replaced. Sounds bad, doesn't it? Now,
let's look at the odometer: 354k miles, the first 209k on a lot of dirt
roads, and it's never been opened up! All of a sudden what sounded bad
sounds pretty good! See what I mean about qualifying a post?
Sorry about the hail storm, and I hope it's the only glitch you have as
you enjoy your new Forester!