Indianapolis Subaru Dealer offers "Lifetime Powertrain Coverage for free"

Mar 14, 2025
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Sounded good at first but as I read their coverage it sounds not as promoted. Here is a few sections....word for word:
Fuel pump; Seals and gaskets {Covered parts only}; Transmission case and all internal parts; Seals and gaskets {Covered parts only}.
I will ask dealer to clarify, as it sounds like they are only covering seals and gaskets on transmission etc? I don't see how they could afford to really provide lifetime coverage at no cost to owner.

The fine print at bottom of their handout says...see dealer for copy of agreement for complete schedule of all covered items and necessary maintenance requirements. Sounds like you probably have to service at their dealership under specific schedule to validate the coverage.

Anyone have experience with this type of dealer powertrain coverage?

They also have these dealer add to your purchase price.....Government Fee $38.75, Proc/Doc Fee $245. Safety First Brake Light $399, VTR $279, Xzilon {paint protection} $813. These add ons would increase my purchase price by $1775! That is about 5% of the MSRP. Is this typical of most dealers?

Lastly, the price of oil and filter for my Outback was $110 and 2 windshield wiper blades were $58.00...including $19.99 for installation. They said I needed new battery $529.91and brake pads front and rear would be $522.00. The battery was 12V low CCA Oem battery. All seems really high cost.
As a rule of thumb nothing in this life is truly free and you get what you pay for. However BS continues to flow freely throughout the world today as it has throughout the history of mankind.

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