I Don't Even Own A Subaru!

  • Thread starter Dr. Rastis Fafoofnik
  • Start date

Dr. Rastis Fafoofnik

That's right, so fucking what? I'm here to troll all your sorry asses and you
keep falling for it. God you people are pathetic. Subarus are shit cars driven
by faggots. **** all of you, especially Amanda the shit magnet and that faggot
Rick Courtright.
Dr. Rastis Fafoofnik said:
That's right, so fucking what? I'm here to troll all your sorry asses and you
keep falling for it. God you people are pathetic. Subarus are shit cars driven
by faggots. **** all of you, especially Amanda the shit magnet and that faggot
Rick Courtright.

Do your parents know you're messing around on the computer again? You should really ask permission first!
Dr. Rastis Fafoofnik said:
That's right, so fucking what? I'm here to troll all your sorry asses and you
keep falling for it. God you people are pathetic. Subarus are shit cars driven
by faggots. **** all of you, especially Amanda the shit magnet and that faggot
Rick Courtright.


Just you watch!! I'm gonna........ uuuh.....
Well, we're all going to...... uuhh.....
I hope you sleep with one eye open because.... uuh..
just start watching your back because..... uuhh...

I guess you win - we're totally powerless do to anything against your clever
trolling comments...

...but let this be a warning to you!

Seriously, boys and girls, just ignore a self admitted troll like this. How
serious can you take anyone that calls himself "Dr" on a car news group
anyway? He's clearly mentally challenged - I feel sorry for someone like
that, clearly not seeking the help he needs.
He won't go away and been here for years. His comments are not well thought
out and not even funny so why bite?
Dr. Rastis Fafoofnik said:
That's right, so fucking what? I'm here to troll all your sorry asses and you
keep falling for it. God you people are pathetic. Subarus are shit cars driven
by faggots. **** all of you, especially Amanda the shit magnet and that faggot
Rick Courtright.

Another jerk with a stupid opinion and a keyboard. Problem
is, it isn't even his keyboard. It belongs to the public
library. He leaves his shopping cart out front.
Actually a relief. I've mentioned before that you hate to have a car like
your's pull along side and see some creep driving it ;)
kstahl said:
Another jerk with a stupid opinion and a keyboard. Problem
is, it isn't even his keyboard. It belongs to the public
library. He leaves his shopping cart out front.

Actually the REALLY funny part is thats not me :)
Someone is taking the time to emulate little 'ol me, thats quite a

Now the bogus Rastis, PLEASE go hassle the Dumpster Vagina Amanda.....earn
your keep here dude :)!

For those of you that know how to take apart a message, look at the
originating source/IP :)
Dr. Rastis Fafoofnik said:
cars that

Actually the REALLY funny part is thats not me :)
Someone is taking the time to emulate little 'ol me, thats quite a

Now the bogus Rastis, PLEASE go hassle the Dumpster Vagina Amanda.....earn
your keep here dude :)!

For those of you that know how to take apart a message, look at the
originating source/IP :)

What is an interesting side comment is that it did not occur to anyone that
this person was impersonating the "dr" because it sounds like something he
might state...
Or it could be Rastis impersonating himself. Lessee here... Rastis,
Amanda, and now Rastis II. How many personalities does this guy/gal
have anyway?


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