Follow-up on oil filters Impreza/Forester



M.J. wrote
I kinda like bigger filters, more oil = better cooling,
so I ordered a few oversized Hastings LF386. Though I haven't
had a chance to install one yet. I'll comment on my experience with
this filter in the future.


Here it is, my follow-up:

The Hastings LF386 and the Baldwin B161-S oil filters are both
oversized filters that meet non-turbo Impreza and Forester specifications
(circa 1999-2008), i.e. both are thread size M20 x 1.5, and both have
a 20 PSI By-Pass Valve, (plus both have anti-drainback valves so they
also meet Legacy requirements for horizontally mounted filters.
Impreza and Forester have vertically mounted oil filters and
don't require anti-drainback valves).

The problem with both of these filters is that they do not fit well!

The filter base plate (horizontal surface) is slightly concave, more
so than the OEM Tokyo-Roki filter, and this results in not being able
to screw on well. I was able to make only two full turns while
screwing on the filter before it stopped turning. This is unacceptable,
and outright dangerous -in case the filter were to get loose it could
very easily fall off resulting in a lubricating disaster for the engine.

As I said earlier, I bought a couple of LF386 Hastings in hope they
would fit, but they did not. These are very nice filters and oversized
and I was not ready to give up on them and my quest for an oversize
filter for my 2000 Impreza 2.2L Coupe.

I found a solution, and I believe I now have the largest oversized
filter mounted on any stock Impreza, ever.

The way to mount either one of these oversize filters, i.e. Hasings
LF386 or Baldwin B161-S, or the supersized Baldwin B202
is to purchase a MagnaFilter magnetic filter and use it as an adapter.

The Magnafilter has a long threaded pipe, or boss, and
both filters screw on very nicely to the Magnafilter, giving at
least four full turns, ...five or more when tightened. This is a
perfect solution for someone wanting to install an oversize
filter that otherwise does not fit perfectly.

I found the Magnafilter to be a sturdy, confidence inspiring
piece of equipment, an Australian made magnetic filter that
filters out ferrous debris from the oil and also has a long threaded
'boss' or filter mounting pipe, which solves the concave baseplate
problem and allows for easy installation of one of the above
mentioned filters. Is MagnaFilter.html

The filter I ultimately decided to put on my Impreza is the huge
Baldwin B202 which is 5 3/8 inches long. Together with the
Magnafilter the combo is about 6 3/8 inches long, but still short
enough not to protrude lower than the oil pan. The B202 is 3 11/16 inches
in diameter and maxes out the Magnafilter diameter, but still fits nicely!
(part # 3002015

I believe I now have the largest full-flow oil filter ever mounted
on a stock Impreza. The Baldwin B202 holds nearly a quarter
of oil, and is really huge.


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