Factory tires

Mar 24, 2025
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Curious to know why dealer does not have replacement tires for factory shipped cars. New 2025 Forrester went in for first service last week (2,540 miles). Inspection found rear tire damaged and unrepairable (Yokohama 17"). However dealer does not have Yokohama so had to order tire, 7 to 10 day wait.
Car lot full of Subarus with Yokohama tires but dealer does not carry any. Explanations why a dealer would not have the tires the vehicle comes with. Thank you.
Dealers can stock only so much. They can usually get tires in a day. Some OEM tires are special compound or design and take longer.
Are they ordering just one tire for you? I was told by one repair shop that tires had to be ordered as pairs? And that all 4 tires have to be shaved down to the same diameter. I'm also curious how much are they charging you for one OEM tire, if you don't mind sharing?
Tires can be ordered in any quantity.

With our AWD system, tires must be within a small variance of the same diameter. If you have 1/2 worn tires...you need four new tires, or one used/shaved one to match the others.
From what I found the tires that Suburu installs as stock are pretty crappy tires. Some seldom heard of off brand that were once made in Japan but now USA. Falcan or something.
It pays to search the web for info.
I'd take the opportunity to install a decent and well reviewed set of tires all around. There are many, even US made tires that are much much better than the stock crapolla tires that will give better, safer performance, and much better mileage. Afterall you're playing with your life at stake.

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