Dying Clutch - how old?


Michael Szoenyi

Hey guys,

I have here a '94 Subaru Legacy Turbo Super Station with a slipping clutch.
I have a fax here in my hands that says that the clutch was changed one year
and 20'000 kms ago. Now this is definitely not an age for a clutch to die -
had one changed in another turbo at 210'000 kms. So what can be wrong?

- mechanic didn't take care while doing the swap
- mechanic didn't mount a new clutch but rather one from a wrecked Subie or
- mechanic didn't change the seal with the clutch and now its leaking oil
- oil is leaking from somewhere else

question is now: How to find out the easy way and how to cure it?
Anyone with similar experiences?


Your clutch may simply need adjustment. A new clutch can sometimes
take a bit to burn in, or achieve a constant rate of wear, but until it
reaches that point, the clutch may require regular adjustment. Make
sure there is about 1" of freeplay in the clutch petal, if not the
clutch is not disengaging completely and will behave as if it is
slipping. If it is the hydaulic clutch actuation type (as opposed to
the cable) this problem is less likely, but not completely improbable.
slipping. If it is the hydaulic clutch actuation type (as opposed to
the cable) this problem is less likely, but not completely improbable.

It definitely is a hydraulic clutch, as I wanted to adjust it when I bought
the car to get a better pedal play. I (actually "we" = several people)
didn't find a way how to adjust this hydraulic clutch!

Thanks anyway,

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