Changing a low-beam headlight on a 2004 Legacy Outback Sedan LTD



How do I change a low-beam headlight on a 2004 Legacy Outback Sedan
LTD? What is the replacement bulb and is there an illustration
somewhere on how to change the bulb? Thanks
How do I change a low-beam headlight on a 2004 Legacy Outback Sedan
LTD? What is the replacement bulb and is there an illustration
somewhere on how to change the bulb? Thanks

I believe it's in the owner's manual, at least it was for my previous 2004
Impreza. And it was a real pain, you have to first remove the grille, and
then pull out the entire fixture. If you have to go thru that, I would
recommend relamping the entire fixture so you don't have to go thru that
again in another month.
I believe it's in the owner's manual, at least it was for my previous 2004
Impreza.  And it was a real pain, you have to first remove the grille, and
then pull out the entire fixture.  If you have to go thru that, I would
recommend relamping the entire fixture so you don't have to go thru that
again in another month.

Amazing! And it is so simple in the 1999 OBW!
My experience is that the standard deviation of bulb life is pretty
small. Once one fails, the other is not far behind--as hinted at
earlier. Therefore, it is always smart to buy the two pack of bulbs
since the packge deal is significantly cheaper than buying two
individually. I did that a few times before I realized how foolish it

I replaced a bulb on an 02 OBW in about two minutes and it required no
major surgery. Did they change things, or is someone confused? I'd
second the suggestion of checking the owners manual.

How do I change a low-beam headlight on a 2004 Legacy Outback Sedan
LTD?  What is the replacement bulb and is there an illustration
somewhere on how to change the bulb?  Thanks

Not to be a wise-acre, but have you actually looked under the hood?
Most cars, the bulb simply unplugs from the back, although ti change
the directionals on my Audi A4, I do have to remove the headlight unit
from the front of the car to get the clearance to do so. And the
owner's manual will probably tell you what sort of bulb you need.

Dan D
'99 Impreza RS 2.5 (two sons fighting over it now)
Central NJ USA

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