Blizzak snows



Getting a new Forester after driving my 1998, a 175,000 miles. I have
access(free) to a relatively new set of Blizzaks mounted on steel wheels
that are 205 60R16. The Foresters tires are 215 60R16.

Will there be any probs using these tires? The size diff seems to be

I've been searching around the web, but not able to find an answer to what
might be a dumb question, but figured somebody here would know for sure.

Diane said:
Getting a new Forester after driving my 1998, a 175,000 miles. I have
access(free) to a relatively new set of Blizzaks mounted on steel wheels
that are 205 60R16. The Foresters tires are 215 60R16.

Will there be any probs using these tires? The size diff seems to be

I've been searching around the web, but not able to find an answer to what
might be a dumb question, but figured somebody here would know for sure.


The diameter is lightly smaller so it will mean your speedometer will read a
bit high. Other than that, it shouldn't cause any problems
Diane said:
Getting a new Forester after driving my 1998, a 175,000 miles. I have
access(free) to a relatively new set of Blizzaks mounted on steel wheels
that are 205 60R16. The Foresters tires are 215 60R16.

Will there be any probs using these tires? The size diff seems to be

I've been searching around the web, but not able to find an answer to what
might be a dumb question, but figured somebody here would know for sure.

Slight speedo diff but go for it.


And it really doesn't matter if
I'm wrong I'm right
Where I belong I'm right
Where I belong.

Lennon & McCartney
Johnny said:
205/60/16=25.6 inches of diameter and 215/60/16= 26.3. I think it's alot.

it's under 3% bigger(2.7%), not sure on the law where you guys are, but
we're allowed 5% here in NZ.
Is it a set of 2, or a set of 4? If 4, you should be fine. If 2, it
might cause problems with the AWD (you are supposed to have four
matched tires for the Subaru AWD system).
Winter tires should always be the same or preferably narrower. A narrow
tire (205) gets better traction in snow...., rather then pushing over
the snow, they cut through it. This is not a belief but a proven
fact....and is why the old model T's were effective. @05 blizzak i
believe came with 11/32 tread depth..the first 4-5 /32 are a softer
rubber for ice , then the insidebalance is more like an all weather
bj said:
Winter tires should always be the same or preferably narrower. A narrow
tire (205) gets better traction in snow...., rather then pushing over
the snow, they cut through it. This is not a belief but a proven
fact....and is why the old model T's were effective.

also note what the rally drivers use(although they also have metal studs
in the tires).

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