kevin wallis
hi,I`m from the uk, I`d be interested to know if you guys from across the
pond have to have a anti corrosion service done on your Subaru`s because in
the uk the dealers insist on one at the end of year one and one at the end
of year three`to maintain the three year warranty ( they also want one at
the end of year five, but with three years warranty I can not see anybody
bothering ) the service includes cleaning the under side and reapplying
under seal and some spraying of waxoil,
pond have to have a anti corrosion service done on your Subaru`s because in
the uk the dealers insist on one at the end of year one and one at the end
of year three`to maintain the three year warranty ( they also want one at
the end of year five, but with three years warranty I can not see anybody
bothering ) the service includes cleaning the under side and reapplying
under seal and some spraying of waxoil,