Hello, Subarus are the best designed and manufactured cars on the road. My immediate family of 4 all drive Subarus. But is anyone else troubled by the annoying and even dangerous software that has been imposed on us? Before I started turning them off, I was driving with lane control engaged and when an oncoming car oozed into my lane and I turned the wheel to avoid a head on, the steering wheel fought me trying to keep me between the lane lines. Another time as I was exiting a freeway, there was a disabled car parked safely on the shoulder, but because of the curve the collision avoidance system slammed on the brakes. Had I been tailgated there would have been a crash. So I turn all these dangerous addons off, but I have to redo it every time I start up the car. Like Tesla autopilot, these programmer-added controls are dangerous. I should be able to turn them off permanently.