Franklin Bowen
Please don't shoot me, but I have no interest in better performance
and I don't off-road. What I want is struts that are reliable, cheap,
and will NOT lower the car.
I shopped around (a LITTLE) and the best deal I could find was at
Sears, 60K Monroe gasmatic struts. I am a little apprehensive since I
have seen some posts about wrong struts lowering the car! Is there
anything I should know and/or make them aware of to ensure the work is
done correctly?
Thank you!
and I don't off-road. What I want is struts that are reliable, cheap,
and will NOT lower the car.
I shopped around (a LITTLE) and the best deal I could find was at
Sears, 60K Monroe gasmatic struts. I am a little apprehensive since I
have seen some posts about wrong struts lowering the car! Is there
anything I should know and/or make them aware of to ensure the work is
done correctly?
Thank you!