96 OBW overheating question of the afternoon....



I understand that there is a Subaru sold additive to help in combatting
the overheating problem. Is the product sold under a different name at
auto parts stores such as Auto-Zone, Strauss Auto or at Wal-Mart?
I usually put Water Wetter in all my vehicles just for the peace of mind
....have always put it in my bikes too since race tracks won't allow for
anti-freeze and water alone just won't cut it. Coolant helps some with
boiling point and heat-transfer, but is much more helpful for extreme cold
(hence the name "Anti-Freeze") versus hot like I am used to. So, a bottle
of pink water wetter in a cold radiator is about $7.50 and it's 100%
compatible and helps improve the cooling process.

Subaru has there own "made for Subaru conditioner" at the dealer for
about 2 dollars. Since it is so reasonable and Subaru has tested it
why gamble on something else? As for water wetter you better look at
some NGs before you use it as many have reported it causing as sludge
like problem in their cooling system. The sludge usually shows up in
the overflow and when the radiator cap come off wow what a mess of
brown junk. Just a thought. "Mike"
"mike" ....? ...and here i thought my opinions were just as valid as
everyone elses' ...I feel like you are labeling me a possible troll....
Thanks Mike and thanks Edward. What is the Subaru conditioner called?
Once again, thanks.
Mike: I was not suggesting anything but if I sounded like it I'm
sorry. Good driving. The Subaru condition is just called Cooling
system conditioner and is sold BY the dealer in a small blue
container. It is well marked as a Subaru product.
Thanks Edward. By the way, the dealer replaced the radiator (2nd time
in 18 months I had it replaced and this time, it cost $470--so much for
the dealer) on my 96 OBW w/178k miles. I had had to replace antifreeze
every couple of days. The dealer told me 20k miles ago that it needs a
new head gasket. The prices to do so make it not worth it, which is
the reason for my inquires. I am already getting sludge in the
overflow tank, so I don't think that the Water Wetter will make a
difference. Do you think that the Subaru conditioner will help to
extend the life? How about these liquid head gasket "replacements" if
you will? I use the car as a 2nd car and to haul things. I apologize
for the long winded inquiry. Once again, thanks to you and to MIke.
I understand that there is a Subaru sold additive to help in combatting
the overheating problem. Is the product sold under a different name at
auto parts stores such as Auto-Zone, Strauss Auto or at Wal-Mart?
IMO the Subaru product is just a "stop leak" kind of product BUT. In
recent yrs at least Subaru's have had quite small passages in the
radiator and off the shelf products will likely plug up the radiator.
BTDT. Fortunately found a radiator shop that was willing to remove
the top tank and clean out. They specifically mentioned how tiny the
passages were.

IMO I would find out what the real cause is for your overheating
problem and fix that and not waste time and money on band-aids.

The Subaru conditioner is purportedly used for weeping problems and is
not expected to seal a HG leak into the combustion chamber. Still
it's a $2 try before enlisting the expensive solution? Ed
Thanks, Edward. I ordered it and will try it. As you say, it's worth
trying. Best regards.
Thanks, Edward. I ordered it and will try it. As you say, it's worth
trying. Best regards.
In prior message I mentioned BTDT, used the Subie product prior to any
weeping but it happened anyway, maybe a oz/day. Made the mistake
after using the Subaru product to use an off-the -shelf stop leak as
well (the cause of the plugged radiator), still weeped. To fix the
problem the HG had to be replaced and as previously mentioned, rod out
the radiator. Life is sweet now.

Edward Hayes wrote:

Agreed. BTW I think the Subie part is Holt's Stop Leak relabelled. If it
was me, I'd check that it definitely is the gasket. If so, you're probably
stuck with fix or dispose, but just in case, I'd do a full system flush at
home, treat it with a chemi-weld type product & then refill the system
using the Subie cooling system conditioner. Then if you still have to do a
head gasket, well at least you tried some options.

Actually, if the gasket's gone and it's been losing coolant &/or
overheating for some time you oculd wind up cheaper swapping the engine
for a good s/h one in case there's additional damage. Cheers

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