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  • Thread starter Richard & Karen Greeling
  • Start date

Richard & Karen Greeling

left timing belt broke ,replaced belt and engine will not run on l side it
just backfires threw the intake and i removed the head to ck the valves and
they are ok
Richard said:
left timing belt broke ,replaced belt and engine will not run on l side it

Did you get the belts timed properly when you installed them? You do one
side, then turn the engine (180 deg IIRC) and do the other side. When
properly done, one cam timing mark will be at 12 o'clock, one at 6
o'clock. (Check the book just to be sure how far to turn things.) It
could be more serious, but that's a real common "Oops!" on those engines
w/ belt replacement.

While you're in that far, be sure to think SERIOUSLY about replacing cam
seals, main (crank) seal and oil pump seals (O-rings on back, small seal
on front.) It's not a bad idea to think about doing the water pump, too.
I figure seals at each belt replacement, water pump every other one,
using 50k miles as a target. (The book says 60k, but Subaru later
changed it to 50k on their website cuz people weren't getting full
mileage, particularly with aftermarket belts--including me! Stick to
Subaru OEM when you can!)

Good luck!


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