2020 Legacy Limited Engine Dies


Feb 11, 2023
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Hi all,
I'm looking for some ideas, advice on problem that I imagine is quite rare. Leasing a 2020 Legacy Limited. Decided to extend lease up to 6 months. One month to go on 3 year lease, check engine light came on. Brought it in to my local Subaru dealership. Let me bullet the sequence of events:
  • Oct 20, 2022: Brought the care in to dealership They ran diagnostics and identified a faulty bypass value for the cooling system. Advised me to not drive it out of the dealership as a faulty bypass valve could cause the engine to overheat. Gave me a loaner.
  • Took 4 weeks to replace valve -- none in the US, had to be back ordered.
  • I asked them to also listen to the engine because I was noticing a low sounding rattling noise when I started the car and accelerated from rest position. Didn't think it was anything to worry about -- just wanted it to be checked since I was interested in buying the car when lease expired.
  • Nov 15: They contacted me to let me know there was very loud rod knocking and immediately asked for my maintenance records. Said it was likely due to lack of lubrication. Also said they requested a Field Service Engineer who would inspect the engine to determine the cause.
  • Dec 20th: FSE inspected car and determined it was not caused by any negligence on my part and it was the manufacturer's defect and responsibility. Ordered new parts
  • January 9th: All the parts were in the they would begin to tear down engine and rebuild. No ETA. Some of the parts that were replaced: engine block, camshaft sensors, camshaft sprockets and other necessary components. They announced the engine failure was due to a "internal failure to the crank bearing."
  • January 31st: Tech requested final items for vehicle -- including engine control module. No ETA.
  • Don't have an update as to whether latest order of parts was received but I do know that after they install the remaining parts they will once again inspect it before giving it back to me.
My car has been at the dealership since Oct 20th -- over 16 weeks. My questions are:
1. Should I even entertain the idea of buying the car? 2) And if I do, should I ask for a reduction of the purchase price. 3) Should I ask for an extended warranty on the engine at no cost to me?
If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions for what I should ask for or request from the dealership, I welcome your thoughts.
Thank you so much for your feedback!
I'd walk, no, run away from that car when the lease is up. Sounds like they did the 'parts cannon' where they 'throw' parts at the car and hope something sticks, in other words, fixes the issue(s). Sadly, even Subaru technicians can't figure out some things. If you really want a Subaru, maybe you can get a decent trade in allowance on this leased vehicle and get a brand new one.,

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