2010 Legacy Premium - Android Headunit, Amp and Sub Install - Now Car won't start

Jul 26, 2024
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Situation: I purchased the car about 60 days ago from a private seller, we drove the car for about a month and it was solid. I replaced the head unit and installed an amp and 2 subs. I have gone back and check the install wiring, I have tried to start it with the amp unhooked and nothing. I can hear the a relay repetitively clicking in the cabin and under the hood. When I started removing relays to make the clicking stop, under the hood the day running lights and both main fan relays are clicking (yes its all 3, I check each individually in all the positions and they all click), in the cabin behind the glove box next to the ECU there are 5 relays. I have not been able to find a diagram to tell me what each relay is, but the clicking is coming from the bottom relay. I replaced the relays with known good relays and they are still clicking so don't think it is the relay itself it is something else. I checked the battery and found it was bad, so I replaced it, still will not start. Starter seemed likely so replaced that and still no change. The ignition switch was the next thing I replaced and it still won't start. I checked the fuses and didn't find any that were blown. This is getting costly and I feel like I am chasing my tail right now. I have attached the reading from the OBD 2, I can see that I have low current and voltages, but not sure why? I am concerned it may be the ECU or PCU.

When the key is in the on position the radio turns on and powers up fine. When moving to the ACC position the dash lights come on and they stay on, the theft system dash light comes on and then turns off ( I was concerned that the theft system was stuck on as well). The clicking starts in the ACC position. After I replaced the Ignition Switch the car tries to turn over, the occasionally it will sound like it turns over and then dies immediately, otherwise it just tries and tries but won't turn over. I am open to guidance, I am close to throwing in the towel.

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