2.5L Engine Question


What's Next

Does anyone know or know of where I can find when Subaru phase two and
phase 3 engines were built. This has to do with head gasket leaks.

Thanks in advance for any information.
What's Next said:
Does anyone know or know of where I can find when Subaru phase two and
phase 3 engines were built. This has to do with head gasket leaks.

Thanks in advance for any information.

About all I can add is that I have a very late '99
outback with said engine and *didn't* get the coolant
conditioner fix.
This raises a big question. Many, many people have posted messages
here about the infamous leaking head gasket in 2.5L engines in the 1999
LEGACY/OUTBACK. The info you provided indicates that the 1999
Legacy/Outback does not have the defective head gasket. Were people
wrong on this or is there another endwrench.com advisory covering the
1999 Legacy/Outback.

Thoughts anyone? I have a 1999 Outback wagon w/ a 2.5L and, as yet, no
headgasket problem, but it weighs on my mind.

lkreh said:
This raises a big question. Many, many people have posted messages
here about the infamous leaking head gasket in 2.5L engines in the 1999
LEGACY/OUTBACK. The info you provided indicates that the 1999
Legacy/Outback does not have the defective head gasket. Were people
wrong on this or is there another endwrench.com advisory covering the
1999 Legacy/Outback.

Thoughts anyone? I have a 1999 Outback wagon w/ a 2.5L and, as yet, no
headgasket problem, but it weighs on my mind.

Mine is a '99 Legacy Outback with said engine as
well. 120k miles and no problem.

To put the situation in perspective, my neighbor
runs an independent service shop for Audi, BMW
and Subaru's. The town is full of Subaru's and he's
never seen the infamous 2.5l headgasket problem.
That's good to hear. We're now at 120,000 miles with no problem, but I
worry about it. The car is in mint condition and paid for, and I'd
hate to see it go over a really expensive engine repair.
lkreh said:
That's good to hear. We're now at 120,000 miles with no problem, but I
worry about it. The car is in mint condition and paid for, and I'd
hate to see it go over a really expensive engine repair.


Check the coolant level with each fillup and make
sure the system gets "burped" properly if the
overflow ever goes empty.

Even if I had to spend $2000 for a head gasket
job, it would still be worth it considering the low
cost of ownership to date.
lkreh said:
This raises a big question. Many, many people have posted messages
here about the infamous leaking head gasket in 2.5L engines in the 1999
LEGACY/OUTBACK. The info you provided indicates that the 1999
Legacy/Outback does not have the defective head gasket. Were people
wrong on this or is there another endwrench.com advisory covering the
1999 Legacy/Outback.

Thoughts anyone? I have a 1999 Outback wagon w/ a 2.5L and, as yet, no
headgasket problem, but it weighs on my mind.

The 2.5L PHASE I engines had INTERNAL head gasket leaks which Subaru still
denies is an issue and quietly tries to resolve, but you still pay $$$$ to
The 2.5L PHASE II engines have an EXTERNAL leak issue which Subaru has
addressed with their conditioner.

I'm sorry to break it to you but of the two, the PHASE I head gasket leak is
much worse as the mixing of coolant in the oil is very bad for the engine.
Btw oil in the coolant/coolant in the oil/overheating/no lubrication, the
engine can permanently ruined.
The PHASE II leak is only coolant and typically wont overheat if the coolant
level is topped off.
How does Subaru "quietly try to resolve" the internal head gasket leak
in the Phase I engine? Is Subaru offering accomodation for this?
these engines were built by the lowest bidder, subaru sacrificed
quality for profits. if subaru was an american company they'd be
bankrupt right now. all they have going for them is that they're a
japanese company. (japs have a good reliability reputation) ... thats
my 2 cents.

Ps. if u own one, sell it. if you're thinking about buying one: make
sure u have thousands of dollars in the bank for repairs.
glasceus said:
these engines were built by the lowest bidder, subaru sacrificed
quality for profits. if subaru was an american company they'd be
bankrupt right now. all they have going for them is that they're a
japanese company. (japs have a good reliability reputation) ... thats
my 2 cents.

Ps. if u own one, sell it. if you're thinking about buying one: make
sure u have thousands of dollars in the bank for repairs.

You could say that about any make. Honda and Volvo have had quality control
problems in the last decade or so... nothing widespread, but enough that you
should have money for repairs if you are going to own one. Honda had the
auto tranny debacle that may or may not be resolved. Volvo has extended the
warranty on the Throttle Control Module they use in recent models because of
an impending class action suit regarding the $1000 US repair costs that were
hitting nearly 100% of owners in the first 100K miles. Saab has had head
gasket problems that makes the Subie DOHC problems look like whining (my
motorhead brother tells me the #2 and #3 cylinders are too close together).
The Nissan I traded away had electrical problems I couldn't keep up with. I
had a Mitsubishi for a while, and I don't know where to start with that one.
And those are only the non-US makes I'm familiar with. Don't get me started
on Ford, GM, or Chrysler. You want maybe a Fiat or Peugeot?

I know you have a prejudice against Subarus - I've seen the list of
complaints, valid or otherwise - but what sort of alternative are you
recommending? And why are you here? If somebody needs AWD you can leave out
all the 2WDs.

Hey glasceus: You have sold your Subaru, or so you said. It's time for
you to unsubscribe from this group. You were ignorant about cars in general
and Subarus specifically when you first showed up here, you learned nothing
because you didn't listen to the advice you sought, and you're still
ignorant. But as a non-owner, you are now also irrelevant. And your
attitude is obnoxious. Don't go away mad, just go away.
ok. i will leave this group if i'm not wanted here. my main reason for
staying was to save others from the heartache i went through with my
subaru. (i just got a spill free funnel in the mail i ordered before i
sold it!!) , trust me, in less than 2 months i spent over 500 bucks
chasing down solutions from cheap windshields, noisy ac fan, to water
sounds behind the dash. subaru let me down bigtime. and i will never
ever ever ever buy another one. its a cheap looking piece of garbage.
gm cars may be garbage but at least they dont look cheap and flimsy.
thats my 2 cents. goodbye and goodluck
glasceus said:
ok. i will leave this group if i'm not wanted here. my main reason for
staying was to save others from the heartache i went through with my
subaru. (i just got a spill free funnel in the mail i ordered before i
sold it!!) , trust me, in less than 2 months i spent over 500 bucks
chasing down solutions from cheap windshields, noisy ac fan, to water
sounds behind the dash. subaru let me down bigtime. and i will never
ever ever ever buy another one. its a cheap looking piece of garbage.
gm cars may be garbage but at least they dont look cheap and flimsy.
thats my 2 cents. goodbye and goodluck
The problem is that you don't offer any recommendations. What you describe
is legion in every auto group; you had a bad experience and assume the
average Subaru owner will have as much trouble and that other car owners
will not. Believe me, if the average Nissan owner had as much trouble as I
had with mine, or the average Dodge owner in that case, nobody would ever
buy Nissan or Dodge. My younger son could tell you horror stories about
Fords that make your experience with Subarus pale by comparison (who would
put a 6 inch clutch on a 2.4L engine?!?!?!). Cars are naturally troublesome
beasts, and some more than others. But there are reasons so many people here
like their Soobs.

i've researched this argument for a few dozen hours...the 2.2 engine
was a great engine..the early 2.5l engine is a great engine except for
the internal head gasket issue.
Subie has never owned up to the problem on the early 2.5's. The later
2.5's did have an external leak and subie has a cheap fix additive and
warranty to 100K, but they've always passed the problem off as head
gaskets and thus, tarnished the great subaru reputation for
reliability. They make a great car, it's a shame, in this instance they
dropped the ball. With a little caution you may still get 300k on your
road rocket.

I read some german study that the HD problems were 16% of the early
2.5. This may be true, but i believe changing the antifreeze and
leaving air in the engine is the problem...and why, after the car is
out of warranty and someone goes to the local quicklube for an
antifreeze change the problems begin to occur..they'll fill the
radiator..wait for the thermstat to open and send you out the
door....big mistake...so i suggest...don't change the antifreeze or be
very careful and get ALL the air out. Do a search, i've seen a few
sites which discuss burping and caution in fluid change.

as a footnote, i read online about an aircraft enthusiast who used the
subie 2.5 in his light plane..he tested the engine backwards and
forewards..a great engine but get the air out...he found ,just normally
changing the antifreeze left about a cup of air inside and thus,
creating a hotspot in the head...
I have a 03 Impreza outback sport. I've had the clutch replaced last year
due to shudder, no problem since.
Last November, I had two pistons replaced after complaining of engine
knocking noise. No hassle from dealer. Three months later, engine started
to knock again, the car is scheduled for engine block replacement (or
something like that) in the first week of April.
It's not a perfect car but I enjoy the ride, especially in snowy conditions
and the service is excellent. (Subaru Outaouais in Gatineau)
I used to own a 99 Forester that had the check engine and head gasket
<<<The 2.5L PHASE I engines had INTERNAL head gasket leaks which Subaru
still denies is an issue and quietly tries to resolve>>>

I assume you're blowing hot air with this?

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