C said:
Two mufflers will have more backpressure than one....
No, there are no practical reasons for running this dual-tip system. It's
purely for vanity reasons, as the original poster said.
That makes no sense. If you have a fixed volume of air leaving through
a restriction, and you double the size of the restriction, you
essentially halve the backpressure created by the restriction. If
you've ever designed an irrigation system, the priciples are similar.
Suppose you have one sprinkler head on a line that sprays a diameter of
30 feet (diameter is directly related to water pressure = backpressure).
Add a second head and they still likely go almost 30 feet since the
water supply should be able to maintain the back pressure. At some
point, the number of heads will allow enough water out to exceed the
water supply's capacity. and the back pressure will be less and the
heads will no longer spray 30'. Now on a car the supply air is fixed so
as soon as you add a second muffler, there will be a reduction in
backpressure, assuming the mufflers are all of the same design and
exhaust pipes are the same diameter.